Up to 1975 Philomena and Amalia Oberschartner, so-called Mena and Mala, lived on the farm in the same conditions that can be seen today, without light and electricity. Philomena, born in the year of 1895, was the farmer of the farm, her younger sister Amalia had to serve her as a maid. As stipulated by the complicated laws regarding inheritance the farm was never divided, but passed on to the eldest son. However the only brother was ill. Consequently the farm was given to the elder sister, Philomena.
Through the cultivation of barley, rye and buckwheat the sisters were nearly autonomous, but they lived in poverty. They went to Bozen only once a week to sell vegetables and in order to preserve their only pair of shoes they went bare-foot putting their shoes only when they arrived in the city.
The two sisters were well known because of their strength and their wilfulness and so they lived a very reclusive life, although Philomena took part in life of the local parish where she worked as the sacristan of the old church of Wolfsgruben.
In the years 1939-43 the south-tyroleans had the choice to "opt" for transfer into the German "Reich" or to remain in italianised South Tyrol. For this reason a detailed surrey of all farms of the region was carried out and the farms where registered. Mena chased away the gentlemen of the so-called "Aufmessungsgruppe". But, nevertheless, in the year 1942 they succeeded in drawing up plans of the farm while the owner was absent.