The bee's wind chime
Try to creat a funny bee using a small flower pot. The wind chime will play sweet sounds.
Download the instructions as PDF-document
The bee's crossword puzzle
We have prepared an Excel crossword puzzle, which you can download as pdf-document. The Excel-document however, gives you the opportunity to change and/or modify the puzzle. Send us your own made crossword puzzle.
The bee's crossword puzzle - Download
The bee's crossword puzzle
Thumb movie
Please download the document you wish to use as template for your thumb-movie. You can choose between the already coloured version and another one, which children can paint by themselves. Please do not forget to download the related instructions.
Thumb movie - Download
Thumb movie-coloured
Thumb movie-empty
The bee's wind chime
Try to creat a funny bee using a small flower pot. The wind chime will play sweet sounds.
Download the instructions as PDF-document
Bee catapult
An elastic band is able to reproduce the bee's buzzing tone, if you let the funny bee circling.
How to create your own bee catapult
Painting templates
Our kids have already painted different bees. We would like to offer them as templates for you.
Game "The drone's battle"
The bees (girls) sting the drones (boys) until the balloon blows. On this page you will of course also find helpful information about who and why there's also a real drone's battle. Children will discover themselves whether and how far this funny play corresponds to the natural process in a bee's life.
Instructions for the drone's battle